You can download the ready to use script for replacing it with SuperSu Here all Kinguser files amd will make SuperSu as system app; Update SuperSu First, see this answer where I explain how to create a ZIP file for flashing .apk files.
SuperSU Root has recently released by Chainfire with systemless root technology. Now you can root Android latest versions with latest SuperSU ZIP. What is SuperSu? SuperSU, developed by Chainfire, is an important app in rooted smartphones. It watches over the root activities… SuperSu is one of the best app to root apps. Super Su allows latest management of Super user access rights for all the apps on your device that need the rootDownload SuperSU ZIP [latest]: Root your Android phone using… SuperSU ZIP -Android Operating System is the most popular and most widely used operating system. The best thing about android is that it allows you to do a lot many customizations in your device. Download SuperSU Pro Apk Marshmallow Root Package
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Download SuperSu for Nougat 7.1 v2.79 zip APK : Want to root your links to all the update Gapps zip file, which you can download on your phone and install.